NixOS Virtualbox Dev VM

You can use the official NixOS VirtualBox appliance if you want to run the project on our preferred production system NixOS.

This will guide you from downloading the appliance to a running application.


You need VirtualBox installed on your system.


If you want to run the application elsewhere, please look at Development Quick Start

VM Preparation

The following code snippets are written for ekklesia-portal but also work for ekklesia-voting when you change the project name.

  1. Get the NixOS 22.11 VirtualBox appliance and follow the instructions there to import and start the VM. Enable clipboard integration in the VirtualBox menu bar with Devices -> Shared Clipboard -> Host to Guest so you can copy-paste longer commands from here.

  2. In the VM, open konsole (press Alt-F1 and type konsole) and run the following commands as the demo user.

  3. Add the edemocracy binary cache:

    # password for sudo is `demo`
    nix-shell -p cachix --run "sudo cachix use edemocracy"
    # ignore the instructions shown by cachix, we do that later.
  4. Edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix (using sudo nano /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, for example) and change the imports line to:

    # no commas between list items in Nix!
    imports = [
  5. Fetch our recommended NixOS configuration with curl and put it in /etc/nixos (you can also download it here):

    curl -O
    sudo mv ekklesia_dev.nix /etc/nixos
  6. Rebuild the NixOS system to activate the new configuration and run zsh as new shell:

    sudo nixos-rebuild switch
  7. Tell direnv where nix-direnv is located:

    echo "source /run/current-system/sw/share/nix-direnv/direnvrc" > ~/.direnvrc

Setting up the Project

  1. Clone the repository and change to the checked out directory:

    git clone
    cd ekklesia-portal
  2. Tell direnv to use nix-direnv whenever you enter the directory. nix-direnv starts building immediately which may take a while:

    cp envrc.example .envrc
    direnv allow
    # direnv runs nix build now

    You can run direnv allow again to activate changes to the .envrc file or get an up-to-date shell when direnv couldn’t run automatically.

  3. Compile translations and CSS (look at to see what this does):

  4. Create a config file named config.yml using the config template from src/ekklesia_portal/config.example.yml. Under database, you have to change uri. Under app, change force_ssl to false and insecure_development_mode to true. The config file should look like this:

        uri: "postgresql+psycopg2:///ekklesia_portal?host=/run/postgresql"
        instance_name: my_ekklesia_portal
        insecure_development_mode: true
        login_visible: true
        force_ssl: false
        secret_key: dev
        cookie_secure: false
        permanent_lifetime: 999999
  5. Initialize the dev database:


    This command populates the ekklesia_portal database.

  6. Run the development server (look at flake.nix to see what this does):


    You can use a browser, for example Firefox which is pre-installed on the VM to go to the application running at http://localhost:8080. Log in as testuser, or testadmin for a privileged admin user.

  7. To compile changes to stylesheets and translations automatically, run in a second shell tab/window:


Setting up Tests

  1. To set the test database connection URL {file}, open .envrc in an editor and uncomment the line with EKKLESIA_PORTAL_TEST_DB_URL (remove the #) . The line in the file should look like this now:

  2. Run direnv allow to activate changes to .envrc.

  3. Set up test data:


    This command populates the test_ekklesia_portal database.

  4. Run all tests:
